Sunday, May 19, 2013

Fun Baby Chicks 5-18-13

Lunch time. Boy were they hungry after their morning adventure. 

Made lunch for Parke and me, and we sat outside to eat. We have the nursery so we can be entertained by them when we are on the patio.

I was planting flowers and Parke was mowing. They lined up to watch.

Four Baby Chickens in the Nursery 5-18-13

All together for the first time in the nursery

Exploring their nursery

Four Baby Chickens with Flower Names 5-18-13

Here are all four babies.  It's difficult to get them all to sit still and look the same direction.

Lily, Pansy, Sweat Pea and Daisy.

Pansy, Sweat Pea, Daisy (in the back), Lily (in my hand)

Daisy, Our Dominique 5-18-13

This is Daisy, the Dominique that we got a month or so ago. 

Pansy, Our Silver Laced Wyandotte 5-18-13

 Wyandotte Chickens are an older breed of American chicken that developed around 1870. The original variety of the heavy, soft feathered Wyandotte is the Silver Laced variety. The Wyandotte breed is one of the more popular and dependable dual purpose backyard chicken breeds and has many desirable traits for any small farm owner. 

Wyandottes are excellent layers of large brown and tinted brown eggs. They will usually produce up to 200 eggs per year during their first few years of laying. This robust and cold hardy breed is relatively easy to care for; a great decision for first time chicken buyers and those wanting a dependable winter egg layer. Wyandottes will thrive in free range situations and will also adapt well to confined environments.

This is Pansy, a Silver Laced Wyandotte.  These are beautiful birds. Look up what the adults look like. Stunning!

Lily, Our Australorp 5-18-13

Black Australorp. Australorp is a chicken breed of Australian origin. It is a large, soft-feathered bird, with white toenails, black legs and beak, and a moderately large and upright single comb, with five distinct points. The Australorp is hardy, docile, and a good egg-layer, as well as a meat bird. She will be all black as an adult and never used for meat.

Sweet Pea, our Ameraucana 5-18-13

This is an Ameraucana. They lay green or blue eggs, so they are nicknamed Easter Eggers. From that box of birds at the breeder's, I decided on this color because it's unlike all our other girls and the opposite of Harriet, the Ameraucana that died in March.

My Aunt Ollie  loves this little girl and named her Sweet Pea.