Saturday, May 7, 2011

Pets on the Square pt 3 5-7-11

Walking down Main Street in the parade. Lots of excitement over the chickens.

Pets on the Square pt 2 5-7-11

I'm such a little farm girl! :)

My girls' first ribbon! And $30 in Hummelstown bucks. We can use it in many businesses in Hummelstown. I see lunch out in one of the town restaurants. But Parke wants to use it at some car supply/car wash place.

Pets on the Square pt 1 5-7-11

Loaded up the girls and stuff to enter the Hummelstown Pets on the Square. There are about 6 categories to dress your pet. I did "Life's a Beach." For a while we had the girls on the square as people walked around. Lots of people were interested. Kids loved petting them. With dozens of dogs there, they were unique.

Getting into categories in a parking lot, preparing for the judging.

I tried various things to dress the girls, but really, it's impossible. I spent the morning just trying out stuff on Lacey. No way would she keep anything on. I gave up, ran to KMart and got girls' hair thingies and put them around their necks. Ellie and Pearl refused to keep them on. I finally gave up on those two.

Doesn't Phyllis look cute with her orange ribbon?

Friday, May 6, 2011

Cabbage and Chicken Planter 5-6

The girls had a special treat of cabbage this evening. It will be totally gone in two days.

My cousin in SC got me the chicken planter. It will be great when the flowers fill it up. Isn't it cute?

Lacey 5-6

Lacey has such soft and smooth feathers. Love petting her. She's very friendly. She LOVE stink bugs.

Notice the different feathers from head to toe.

Honey 5-6

Honey is a very shy. Sadly, she is on the bottom of the pecking order. If she had her head up high, you'd see that most of the feathers are off on one side of her neck. Some of the other birds peck them out. We have to do some preventative things to help her out.
The second pic is of Chicken Little hiding and Honey also staying close to a shelter.

Chicken Little 5-6

Chicken Little is a buff laced Polish. She is the second to bottom of the pecking order. One of her problems is she can't see with all those head feathers. When left to grow, she can't see. She runs into things. When the other hens peck on her, she can't get away. She is due for another haircut. I trim her bangs.

She has a pretty tail. Not fluffy like some of the other girls.

Sophia 5-6

Sophia is our precious Silkie. It is a unique breed from China. They have black skin and black bones. They have 5 "toes" instead of the normal 4. She's very gentle and petite.

Just to explain the last pic, she is leaning forward, eating cabbage. That is her black foot sticking out from under her.

Pearl 5-6

Here is Pearl, our leghorn. She has such smooth feathers. She is a faithful white egg layer. She is the most independent of our girls. She hops any fence. She is very smart.

Phyllis 5-6

Here's Phyllis, a white Polish. she reminded me of Phyllis Diller with the white head feathers sticking out.

Ellie 5-6

I have the date wrong on previous post about Harriet. It should be 5-6.
Here is Ellie, our cochin. She is a lot of feathers. She is named Ellie because I thought her legs looked so fat with all those feathers. Like elephant legs. Ellie is a very gentle girl. And just a gorgeous chicken.

Harriet 5-2

When we got home from the chicken program, the girls went into their area. Except for Harriet, who ran in the other direction. Guess she needed some freedom time.

Then Pearl saw her out. Not to be outdone, Pearl hopped the fence. Her theme song is Don't Fence Me In.

Then there are pics of Harriet's head and tail. Notice the varied types of feathers. Chickens have interesting feathers. The length, color, markings, and texture change from head to tail

Finn on Counter May 6

When we got home from the nursing home chicken program, Finn was on the counter. I had left my sweatshirt there. Guess he really missed me and had to find something with my scent on it. This is a bad thing for him to do, but you have to admit that he is one handsome cat.

Chicken Program at Bethany Village pt 2 May 6

I carry each hen around and let the residents pet them. They see how gentle the girls are. And how their feathers have different feel.

People are so amazed at how tame, calm, loving thee chickens are. They aren't afraid of people.

Chicken Program at Bethany Village pt 1 May 6

We took 6 hens to Bethany Village for a chicken program for the skilled care residents. Here we are waiting for the program to start. The girls are ready for it to start so they can get out.